She moves in silence under the full moon,
Dancing in the rhythm of the moonlight,
The light illuminating her petite figure,
She reaches to touch the stars,
Like a graceful swan lifting its wings.
Poised feet clad in satin slippers,
Corn wheat hair gently flipping in the breeze.
The moonlight’s tunes overwhelm her mind,
Silently singing to her with its light.
She dances like a petal, twirling as it falls,
In rhythm with the moon,
Skipping between the sparse clouds,
As they drift across the navy sky, dotted with twinkling orbs,
Smiling down on all the world and blessing she who follows,
The beat of the moonlight.
A gentle swirling of her white drapes,
Makes the world spin round and round.
Her arms waving, beckoning the moon to watch,
Lips moving, singing to the stars above.
The moon picks up the pace.
First like a hum, then an erratic melody,
Feet moving in quick patterns on the soiled terrace,
This beautiful swan closes her eyes,
And comes nearer and nearer to the end.
Slower now, she circles around,
Until she stops and points at me,
The world, I think, is held in her grasp.
We move in frantic footwork across the land,
Arriving at the end of the melody embracing,
As the sun’s first rays shower down.